Monday, March 18, 2019


I believe that one of the most important principles we as humans should have is that of keeping our environment clean and maintaining it. I mean if we have the courage to say that we are not animals then we should not act like them, because animals eat and discharge in the same place. We must learn to keep our environment as clean and as presentable as can be! That’s why the #KeepEnvironmentClean campaign is very important to educate our people on the importance of a clean surrounding and PRP’s can use social media as a useful tool to raise awareness on this delicate issue.

In our days social media platforms have enabled us to reach a larger audience in just the blink of an eye and for me I believe it is very effective. The ideal can also be that you not only attain those close to you, but you get the message across even globally. As a practitioner it is crucial that you know how to utilize these platforms for it will help you a lot in interaction with stakeholders all over the world and maintenance of the corporate image and identity.

The environment is dying, and we are the cause of it all through pollution, and yet we still complain about the weather, climate change, smells and dirt. PRPs can use this as a great opportunity to build greater relationships with its communities by showing they care.

Strengths of PR using social media for this Campaign

  •          Social media can be used for a noble cause thus PRPs can use the opportunity to do some good for the community they operate in.
  • ·  The platform will assist Public Relations Practitioners in raising awareness about environmental sanitation not only nationally but people all over the world can get access to this educating campaign.
  • ·   This will in turn help the PRPs to improve the reputation of the organisation, which therefore means killing two birds with one stone! 



Weaknesses of PR using social media for this campaign

·   The danger with social media for PR in this campaign can be that they will be unable to control the messages and the content of those messages, this could quickly go wrong because it takes one bad comment to completely damage the image and reputation of the organisation.
·    This could be a heavy burden for the PRP as it will take much more time to manage.   



  • ·   It is therefore recommended for the PRP to use social media not only for this campaign but also to help develop professional relationships with the media and influencers.
  • · They can use the platforms to manage and deal with real time crisis that the organisation can face in future.

Friday, March 15, 2019


More than half of our youth today suffer from  drug abuse and  this is killing our nation. It is quite saddening that most young people view drugs as something fun, but the truth of the matter is that drugs fuel a life of addiction and crime among the South African youth. There's a famous saying that today's youth uses to cover up for their sins, when they abuse drugs and parties, and you reproach them they will say YOLO ( You Only Live Once) and laugh which is quite amusing because when they find themselves dying from these harmful substances they start blaming everything and everyone else except themselves, gosh the irony in that though.  

Social Media as become one of the biggest influencer today. It is a quick and easy way to share and acquire information globally. It is also a very effective way to raise awareness for the #DrugsDestroyLives campaign and Public Relations Practitioners need to know how to utilize these platforms.


PR benefits of social media for #DrugsDestroyLives

  • Social media can benefit is the quickest way to get a message across, hence it is very convenience for PRPs to utilize it to get the message across to a larger audience in split seconds.
  • The use of social media for the #DrugsDestroyLives will help the PRPs to raise awareness and educate people about the issue inclusive of their campaign.
  • It will allow for more interactions for the PRPs with their target audience, in other words there will be more conversations. 

PR challenges of social media for #DrugsDestroysLives

  • Social media can be a disadvantage for public relations because it is time consuming, I mean I’m sure we can all agree that no one has the all day to just sit and respond to comments. It can be very tiring!
  •  The other challenge could be that you will need to allocate lots of resources to manage the social media presence.
  •  It will be very hard to measure brand awareness and reputation social media will bring
  • Lastly you as a PRP cannot control the kind of comments you will receive, you only can influence them. 

Ways to improve the use of social media

  •   First and far most I personally believe that for you to use something well you need to have knowledge about it, hence PRPs can educate themselves about social media so they can be well equipped to deal with it.
  •   PRPs can use social media to post all activities that occur during the campaign.
  •   Regular updates of their platforms is required to keep the audience informed and interested.